"If you are not busy meeting competition, you are creating it."
"Progress at times is built on the foundation of destruction."
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you fail to focus on your goals."
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn."
"No tree has ever reached the sky."
"The trouble with a rat race is that even if you win, you will still be a rat."
"You cannot discover new oceans unless you have courage to lose sight of shore."
"Worry is an interest paid on trouble before it falls due."
"Innovation thrives on encouragement and dies with criticism."
"Nothing is impossible to a man who doesn't have to do it himself."
"Even a fish wouldn't get into trouble if he'd keep his mouth shut."
"There is an island of opportunity in the middle of every difficulty."
"Always behave like a duck -- stay calm and unruffled on the surface but paddle like the devil underneath."
"अवसर का लाभ वे लोग उठाते हैं जो तैयार रहते हैं।"
"When one door closes one opens. Seize the opportunity while the path remains lit."
"Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm."
"Concentrate on your strengths; Recognize your weaknesses;
Evaluate your opportunities;
Research your threats;"
"You rarely succeed at anything unless you have fun doing it."
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
"First deserve then desire."
"The first step towards solving a problem is to begin.
"Shape your dreams by your hopes, not by your hurts."
"Don't ever accept defeat."
"Burden becomes light when they are cheerfully borne."
"Dream and dedication makes a powerful combination."
"The only sure thing about luck is that it will change."
"Statistics are often used as a drunkard uses a lamp post... Not to light his way but to support his instability."
"A small leak can sink a big ship."
"One who is accompanied by a noble thought is never alone."
"Failures are the pathways to attainments."
"Avoid- Anger- Argument- Arrogance."
"Treat a competitor not as a threat but as a motivator."
"Work with caliber, Act with wisdom,
Craft with precision, Respond with speed."
"Identify your weak link and act now."
"The wind and waves are always on the side of ablest navigators."
"The greatest loss is the loss of self confidence."
"The harder you work... The luckier you get."
"Man cannot re-make himself without sufferings, for he is both marble and the sculptor."
"Do not wait for the best idea. Implement the better one, still better and the best will follow."
"Betrayers are hated, even by those whom they benefit."
"Never hire anyone who will work for money alone."
"Refusing in a kind manner is better than making promises not kept."
"You'll learn more about a road by travelling it.... Than by consulting all the maps in the world."
"Strong men have strong purposes.
Strong purposes lead to strong achievements."
"It is better to ask twice than to lose your way once."
"Don't put square pegs in round holes.
They never fit."
"Honesty is still the best policy, with a little bit of common sense."
"The key to everything is patience.
You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it."
"Starve the problems,
Feed the opportunities."
"Crowding one's life does not always enrich it."
"Those who fret over small issues only demonstrate their inability to find anything big in their lives."
"If all else fails....., lower your standards."
"Most problems are really the absence of ideas."
"Manage your time as you manage your money."
"Try to forget useless things. To remember everything is to make your mind a dustbin."
"The more I go, the more I get, If I don't go, I don't get."
"Kite rises against, not with the wind."
"Don't cry over spilt soup."
"Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated.
You can't cross a chasm in two small steps."
"Do not postpone unpleasant and difficult tasks.
Do them now, you will feel much better afterwards."
"The winner never quits... And the quitter never wins."
"The person who tries to do many things at the same time ends up doing nothing."
"Never try to teach a pig to sing.
It wastes your time and annoys the pig."
"It is important to tell the ........ once in a while when enough is enough."
"The reason many people fail to recognize opportunity is because it comes disguised as hard work."
"Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it.
Autograph your work with excellence."
"Do important jobs now,
Before they become urgent."
"Two men looked out from prison bars,
One saw the mud, the other saw stars."
"A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools."
"A man is not finished when he is defeated, he is finished when he quits."
"Admit your mistakes gracefully."
"Business is dependent upon action. Often greater risk is involved in postponement than in making a wrong decision."
"Work banishes three great evils, Boredom, Vice and Poverty."
"Those who foolishly sought power by riding on the back of tiger, ended up inside."
"Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand.
The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus."
"A weak mind is like a microscope which magnifies trifling things, but cannot receive great ones."
"Best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up..."
"Don't spread yourself too thin. Learn to say 'no' politely and promptly."
"Agreements get better results than arguments."
"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."
"Influence is like a savings account. The less you use it, the more you've got it."
"Keeping a little ahead of conditions is one of the secrets of business; the trailer seldom goes far."
"Never loose hope."
"You cannot be anything if you want to be everything."
"No man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
"THINK... There must be a better way...!"
"Never attend an event simply because you've been invited."
"Beaten paths are for beaten men."
"Do not limit the scope of your thinking."
"Act as though it were impossible to fail."
"It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. Never mistake activity for achievement."
"You must set your priorities."
"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
"Jumping at small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for a big one."
"Follow no one but learn from everyone."
"Standing in the middle of road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides."
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
"The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way."
"We cannot direct the wind... But we can adjust our sails."
"Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it."
"When you reach for the stars, you may not quite get one, but you won't come up with a handful of dust either."
"At the start of your career, what you learn is more important than what you earn... ."
"A race horse that can run a mile faster is worth twice as much. That little extra proves to be the greatest value."
"Don't worry over what other people are thinking about you. They are busy worrying over what you think about them."
"If you don't invest very much, then defeat doesn't hurt very much and winning is not very exciting."
"By being over cooperative you might be blocking someone's vision... ."
"Progress at times is built on the foundation of destruction."
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you fail to focus on your goals."
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn."
"No tree has ever reached the sky."
"The trouble with a rat race is that even if you win, you will still be a rat."
"You cannot discover new oceans unless you have courage to lose sight of shore."
"Worry is an interest paid on trouble before it falls due."
"Innovation thrives on encouragement and dies with criticism."
"Nothing is impossible to a man who doesn't have to do it himself."
"Even a fish wouldn't get into trouble if he'd keep his mouth shut."
"There is an island of opportunity in the middle of every difficulty."
"Always behave like a duck -- stay calm and unruffled on the surface but paddle like the devil underneath."
"अवसर का लाभ वे लोग उठाते हैं जो तैयार रहते हैं।"
"When one door closes one opens. Seize the opportunity while the path remains lit."
"Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm."
"Concentrate on your strengths; Recognize your weaknesses;
Evaluate your opportunities;
Research your threats;"
"You rarely succeed at anything unless you have fun doing it."
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
"First deserve then desire."
"The first step towards solving a problem is to begin.
"Shape your dreams by your hopes, not by your hurts."
"Don't ever accept defeat."
"Burden becomes light when they are cheerfully borne."
"Dream and dedication makes a powerful combination."
"The only sure thing about luck is that it will change."
"Statistics are often used as a drunkard uses a lamp post... Not to light his way but to support his instability."
"A small leak can sink a big ship."
"One who is accompanied by a noble thought is never alone."
"Failures are the pathways to attainments."
"Avoid- Anger- Argument- Arrogance."
"Treat a competitor not as a threat but as a motivator."
"Work with caliber, Act with wisdom,
Craft with precision, Respond with speed."
"Identify your weak link and act now."
"The wind and waves are always on the side of ablest navigators."
"The greatest loss is the loss of self confidence."
"The harder you work... The luckier you get."
"Man cannot re-make himself without sufferings, for he is both marble and the sculptor."
"Do not wait for the best idea. Implement the better one, still better and the best will follow."
"Betrayers are hated, even by those whom they benefit."
"Never hire anyone who will work for money alone."
"Refusing in a kind manner is better than making promises not kept."
"You'll learn more about a road by travelling it.... Than by consulting all the maps in the world."
"Strong men have strong purposes.
Strong purposes lead to strong achievements."
"It is better to ask twice than to lose your way once."
"Don't put square pegs in round holes.
They never fit."
"Honesty is still the best policy, with a little bit of common sense."
"The key to everything is patience.
You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it."
"Starve the problems,
Feed the opportunities."
"Crowding one's life does not always enrich it."
"Those who fret over small issues only demonstrate their inability to find anything big in their lives."
"If all else fails....., lower your standards."
"Most problems are really the absence of ideas."
"Manage your time as you manage your money."
"Try to forget useless things. To remember everything is to make your mind a dustbin."
"The more I go, the more I get, If I don't go, I don't get."
"Kite rises against, not with the wind."
"Don't cry over spilt soup."
"Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated.
You can't cross a chasm in two small steps."
"Do not postpone unpleasant and difficult tasks.
Do them now, you will feel much better afterwards."
"The winner never quits... And the quitter never wins."
"The person who tries to do many things at the same time ends up doing nothing."
"Never try to teach a pig to sing.
It wastes your time and annoys the pig."
"It is important to tell the ........ once in a while when enough is enough."
"The reason many people fail to recognize opportunity is because it comes disguised as hard work."
"Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it.
Autograph your work with excellence."
"Do important jobs now,
Before they become urgent."
"Two men looked out from prison bars,
One saw the mud, the other saw stars."
"A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools."
"A man is not finished when he is defeated, he is finished when he quits."
"Admit your mistakes gracefully."
"Business is dependent upon action. Often greater risk is involved in postponement than in making a wrong decision."
"Work banishes three great evils, Boredom, Vice and Poverty."
"Those who foolishly sought power by riding on the back of tiger, ended up inside."
"Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand.
The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus."
"A weak mind is like a microscope which magnifies trifling things, but cannot receive great ones."
"Best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up..."
"Don't spread yourself too thin. Learn to say 'no' politely and promptly."
"Agreements get better results than arguments."
"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."
"Influence is like a savings account. The less you use it, the more you've got it."
"Keeping a little ahead of conditions is one of the secrets of business; the trailer seldom goes far."
"Never loose hope."
"You cannot be anything if you want to be everything."
"No man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."
"THINK... There must be a better way...!"
"Never attend an event simply because you've been invited."
"Beaten paths are for beaten men."
"Do not limit the scope of your thinking."
"Act as though it were impossible to fail."
"It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. Never mistake activity for achievement."
"You must set your priorities."
"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
"Jumping at small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for a big one."
"Follow no one but learn from everyone."
"Standing in the middle of road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides."
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
"The successful man will profit from his mistakes and try again in a different way."
"We cannot direct the wind... But we can adjust our sails."
"Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it."
"When you reach for the stars, you may not quite get one, but you won't come up with a handful of dust either."
"At the start of your career, what you learn is more important than what you earn... ."
"A race horse that can run a mile faster is worth twice as much. That little extra proves to be the greatest value."
"Don't worry over what other people are thinking about you. They are busy worrying over what you think about them."
"If you don't invest very much, then defeat doesn't hurt very much and winning is not very exciting."
"By being over cooperative you might be blocking someone's vision... ."
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